Al Shank Sez……You protect what’s important to you!
There is an old saying “people protect what is important to them.” So what are you insuring? What are you protecting? What’s important to you? What would your family do if something happen to you? The younger we are the more we tend to think we are 10 foot tall and bullet proof. Then one day, we’re not. I sold lots of my friends life insurance when they were younger. We go back an revisit it now just like you do your homeowners insurance, auto insurance, or business insurance. Life is static. Things change…….we get older, lose loved ones, lose our hair, get divorced, have kids, raise families……..and just as all those things happen, our life insurance needs change as our life does. Usually a life insurance review points out an additional need or at least a change in coverage to lock in your premiums and death benefit. One thing that happens to almost everyone is that at the younger age when we first applied for life insurance, we all could answer every health question, “no.” As we get older it gets a little more complicated than being able to answer every question, “no!” Our health changes. The longer we wait to get life insurance the more expensive it gets and sometimes, the more difficult it is to get life insurance.
At Al Shank Insurance we were founded in 1941 and life insurance was the first product we sold. We still sell it today. It was a great idea in 1941 and you know what….it still is in 2022. Life insurance is less expensive than you think and you know your family is important enough to be protected. Call us….Al Shank Insurance at 620 624 2559. ASI…Insurance as it should be from people you trust. Let Al, Denise, or Rhonda help you today!