Al Shank Sez……………Here’s to EMC
So have you ever noticed how longevity doesn’t seem to count for much these days? At Al Shank Insurance we have. So it was really nice to get a visit the other day from one of our long term company partners, Employers Mutual (EMC) recognizing ASI for being a partner with them for 50 years. We have always felt that the best partners are ones that have been in your corner the longest and EMC is a great partner.
EMC works with us on some of our bigger accounts including the City of Liberal but also works hard to be a market for smaller businesses as well. At one point in time they also did personal lines like homeowners and auto insurance. They are headquartered in Des Moines, IA but we work with the Wichita branch so they understand our part of the world. They have certainly been a market we trust and one we know we can trust our clients with. Thank you EMC!
That’s why we say today……Al Shank Insurance…and EMC…Insurance as it should be from people you trust.
Categories: Blog