At Al Shank Insurance….Henry Ford Sez….
“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at 20 or 80. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.”
Henry Ford
As a new school year begins, we thought we’d share a timely reminder for us (ahem) older folks that learning shouldn’t end once the tassel has been turned 🎓
In his 74 years on this planet, our Founder, Al Shank, say everything from a man rustling cattle on the Cimarron, to the wide spread use of the car, the birth of the atomic bomb, man landing on the moon, computers and he just missed, cellphones. How many changes have you seen or will you see in your lifetime? It almost boggles the mind. Change requires us to learn….to be life long learners. You just have a harder time with more information and change if you are not a life long learner.
In most businesses today you have to be a life long learner. Think of your own job. How has it changed and what have you had to learn to stay up to date in your profession? As an insurance agent we are required to take and pass 18 hours of continuing education every 2 years to keep our license. More importantly to just do a better job for you, or client, we need to do that.
On that note, what have you learned lately?
Categories: Blog