Al Shank Sez….Democracy is Messy!
Happy 4th from Al Shank Insurance. Today, as a country, we seem pretty divided at times and we forget that democracy is messy. As we celebrate remember even if we disagree we are still all Americans. That disagreement doesn’t mean we are enemies. We are at our best when we work together. Americans can and have weathered any storm when we put our minds too it. And most of all, remember what we forget, democracy is not easy. It will challenge you. It is not perfect. Take part. Protect it. Be proud of it. Step up and find your voice and let others find theirs.
It seems we spend a fair bit of time, wringing our hands on issues. Last few months have really been hard, but we need to start viewing them as a test of us….a test of our democracy. How can it work, how does it work? Can we trust it? Democracy has always been hard. It may not always yield her results we want but can you name a better system? Ask those in Russia, those in the Middle East and elsewhere, how their system has worked for them. Usually when “our” deomocracy doesn’t work the way we want we think or hear, “America is a horrible country. Why do people live here? We may even think, “why am I here?” That is the messy part of democracy. The part we don’t like that challenges us. That’s when we have to have faith in our country, each other and democracy.
At Al Shank Insurance we are proud to be Americans in 2022 and in spite of what some would say, are confident in the USA, still the greatest country in the world.