June 3, 2022
Al Shank Sez……….Grain Engulfment Training
With harvest approaching, local firefighters received training recently in Liberal from the KU Fire and Rescue Training Institute on Grain Engulfment Rescue Training. In the past 3 years almost 60% of all grain engulfments in the U.S. resulted in death. At Al Shank Insurance we know that harvest is a time of hardwork and we want everyone involved to be safe. Thank you Liberal and Seward County Firefighters, farmers, as well as others in the agricultural business for your hardwork and dedication for making sure harvest is not only a time of great bounty but also one where safety is key to the process. Al Shank Insurance salutes you all and wishes you tremendous success this year. To learn a little more about the training program here’s the link to a 2 minute video: https://youtu.be/cQCoQ4EHqyY
Al Shank Insurance….since 1941…Insurance as it should be from People you Trust!