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Al Shank Sez……Good News!
May 17, 2021

Al Shank Sez……Good News!

As Al Shank Insurance heads into our 80th anniversary year, we celebrate good news. If you’ve been in SW Kansas and the Oklahoma Panhandle for long then you’ve either seen or received one of these from Al Shank Insurance. For years, if you or a loved one was in the news, our founder, Al Shank Sr., sent one of these out. I’ve had people show me ones that they still hold on to from as far back as 1956. This particular one is courtesy of Gary Dunnam from 1958 and pictures him as a high school junior. Thanks Gary.
I will always remember Dad sitting down on the family room  floor with that day’s paper and his scissors and for the next 30 or so minutes cutting out clippings from that paper that would go out in the mail the next day from the office. He signed them all before they went in the mail. He did that religiously for as long as I can remember. He really enjoyed doing it and relished how much the receivers of those clippings liked  getting them in the mail. It was totally small town and totally a huge hit. He knew that people did a lot of really good things in this area, whether it was school or community related, and that often they didn’t get the credit they deserved for doing them. Funny thing was, I never got one, but I never had to worry, Mom had a  pretty big clipping file at home that included us Shank kids. 
Got something big going on in your life like a new car, new home, new business, or new kid? We want to celebrate the good news with you and protect your dream. Al Shank Insurance….since 1941.

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